Sunday, March 23, 2014

Proud mommy and daddy!

Update on our little embies! 

So from my last update we had 15 little embies! After all the growing and waiting we had 11 perfect little embies, then we got a surprise phone call from our embryologist that the late bloomers caught up and were at 14 only one didn't make it. They told us how impressed they were with how they were doing and progressing. After their testing and as they prepared for the freeze we got the update we have 11 perfect embies!!! We are over the moon and are so excited! They are now snuggled in tight waiting for mommy and will be transferred sometime in April! 

In the meantime I am currently on injections again however these injections can't be given in the tummy they are in my rear end, I'm so thankful for my friend who is able to give these injections and make them pain free. Also besides injections we have decided to keep mommy stress free and calm. I am currently away from Facebook limiting phone calls and just keeping calm and relaxed! We are doing best we can to make everything go as smoothly as possible and give our sweet embie a chance! 

Back to the dr. Saturday and will update on that once we get back. 
                                             All my new meds and needles
                                              ( more coming on Tuesday)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're feeling well! I'm excited for the update. XO
