Saturday, March 1, 2014


Lol every time I hear that song now it has new meaning for me. I am currently day 4 of the follistim and Menopur shots all is going well I am now after 3 years able to do my own injections proud moment for me!!! We went to the dr yesterday (Friday) and all is going as planned which is great news!!!! He gave us the weekend off from traveling the 3 hours and some change down to see him. Today since we were given the weekend off we ran some errands and purchased our birthday/anniversary gifts to each other two rocker recliners that will match our couch Greg says they will be perfect for rocking our amazing IVF baby/babies! Tonight we are watching movies and relaxing tomorrow same thing before traveling back to dr. Monday and back Monday night for my bible study! Have a great weekend everyone I'm headed back to be lazy and watch some movies with my hubby and furry kids. First I will leave you with some pics from this week.

Friday on our way to doctor we had bad weather lots of accidents.

Nightly cocktail of Menopur 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck girl praying for you!
    ~ Gracie
