Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Package of meds came today!

Last night was my last night of Clomid all 5 days went well for me. I took my last pill and headed to bed last night and I could not sleep at all I laid awake with tons of things running though my head like.... I really hope this works...What if it doesnt work...if it does work I will be a mommy....and so much more! I finally got to sleep about 1:30ish this am to be woken up at 3:30am to my house at like 80 degrees I thought I was just having a hot flash which is a side effect of the meds but nope Greg accidently turned on the heater and the house turned into a friggin oven! After I put a cold wash cloth on my neck I was able to go back to bed only to have my alarm go off at 6:00am needless to say today I am a bit tired, I could not even sneak in a nap because I had to wait for the Fed ex man to come and deliver my injection. The Fed Ex man showed up at about 2:30 with a huge box I was a bit confused....I am only getting one injection, I signed for the box and opened the box to find another box in that box was a biohazard box and alcohol wipes and a ice chest in the ice chest was the the box with the injection! It's here and now time to wait for the Dr. on friday.......I hope I can get some sleep between now and then. 

1 comment:

  1. SLEEP! While you can. You think you're tired now...just wait. HaHa. No, in all honesty, things like that would be on my mind too. It is nerve racking, but try to stay calm and relaxed so those eggs can come down. Very exciting times indeed.
