Friday, November 4, 2011

Hoping and praying!.....

Well I know its been awhile since I have posted since we took a break from the Fertility Dr........Well we have not stopped trying this month starting 3 days ago I got my first ovulation test positive alone with no meds! Today is day 3 of a positive ovulation test! We are hoping this is a sign and that this all natural works if not we are thinking of heading back to the Dr. in January new year new beginning hopefully with a +1 or more!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Well its been a while since my last post so I thought I would update you all.......Well we just got back from vacation and had a wonderful time but so good to be home missed my furry kids! While on vacation Greg and I decided we were going to take a bit more time off of meds and Dr. apts and spend more time on us as a couple! we will be trying just the natural way wish us luck and I will keep you all posted please continue the thoughts and prayers please!

Friday, July 29, 2011

On Hold!

With much discussion and thought Greg and I have decided to take a break from fertility treatments this month, we have mad this decision for a bunch of reasons. While taking this break we will be saving up money to move to IUI hoping that will do the trick if it does not happen naturally for us while we are breaking from treatment. I feel that my body needs a break and the stress is not good for me or our marriage.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you,

I will continue to post on decisions and progress!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yet again I write this post with a heart ache!

Well as you all know today was my testing day have never made it to this point yet in the 3 months of treatment so we were super excited!!! I hardly slept waiting for this am to come I woke up at 4:00am and tested BIG FAT NEGATIVE! So disappointing I just sat there squinting hoping there would be a faint line but nothing, nothing at all! I then cried and went back to lay down Greg came home from work and I shared the news with him. Here we sit and wait for Aunt Flow to come and start round 4! If by some kind of amazing thing Aunt flow does not show up in a few days i will test again.

To help Greg and I with dealing with another disappointment we took a road trip to three rivers and had Lunch over looking the river, So nice to spend time with my amazing and supportive husband!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we morn this and move on, Please pray that round 4 is our time for our baby shoes! I will update with dr. apt and our next move!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tomorrow tomorrow!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Come on baby shoes.....!

So I have been on my lovely 2 week waiting period for a few days now and have pretty much been keeping my mind off of it all but at the same time keeping positive!  HARD but possible! I have been on the progesterone and that is so not fun hoping this works and i can be off that.......Can't wait to test and praying its positive!


Friday, July 8, 2011


Tonight Greg had to give me my HCG shot or trigger shot and oh my gosh the needle was huge way bigger than last time I feel so bad for my husband who has to be the one to give me these injections he almost couldn't do it tonight because the needle scared him! Well its done now and on to the next part we will find out soon!


The Blue needle is from this time and the other are from the last 2 times see the size difference?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dr. apt update!

Today my husband and I made the trip back to Clovis for another dr. apt/ ultrasound, I had a different ultrasound tech a male and he was so painful I was about to tell him I was done get me a new tech! He did not tell me how many follicles were mature or anything I know at least 3 but I saw a bunch more so we shall see they gave me another shot to help them grow for another day and tomorrow I take my trigger injection in my hip :( that is the one that hurts! after that we BD and then wait....I am not going to be telling my test date this time because I am also taking progestrone and am really positive so we shall see I will update soon!

Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update on the baby shoe front!

Well we had a great 4th of July hope you all did also! I finished my 100mg of clomid and am currently on the injectables so Greg every morning gives me my shot in the belly as soon as he gets home LUCKY him!......They have not been bad this time good news for me is I am no longer terrified of needles, we go back to the Dr. on Thursday and are praying for good news!!!!

One thing about our bout with infertility is it sure is bringing Greg and I closer, even though sometimes my hormones make me crazy he deals with me!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Round 3 here we go!

Went to the dr. on Tuesday had another ultrasound decided to do another round of injectables with Clomid.....Dr. told me that if my progesterone levels were good this last round that there was a high chance I would have been pregnant but since my levels were low my body felt it needed to start its cycle :(......I am now adding progesterone to my meds this round and praying this round works!!!!!! We are trying to stay positive and taking it one day at a time and praying that we get our baby shoes!!!!!!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we take on this round of treatment!

Monday, June 27, 2011


Well yesterday while having a fun day in Utah damn af came I cried I really had hope this round worked!!! I got home today and had to tell Greg the bad news. Tomorrow we are going to the zoo and then in the afternoon back to the dr. to see what is next, I will update tomorrow!


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Vacation during my 2ww!

Sorry its been awhile.....I am in Utah visiting family and have not been blogging. Nothing much new on the baby shoes front I have some smell sensitivity and some nausea but I don't know if its a symptom of possibly being pregnant or just something my meds are doing to me...I also have sore chest (if you know what i mean)...I am going to enjoy my vacation and stay positive! I get back moday the 27th and then i test the 28th!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Just got home from the dr. AND..... I have tons of good follicles 3 really good ones and about 6 more ok ones!! They decided to have me do 2 more days of injections and then the trigger injection sunday night, with timed Baby dance! lol Things are looking good for us.......I will be spending my two week waiting period in Utah so I will be super busy and wont be sitting here dwelling on it!!! I am feeling super positive with so many good follicles I think the dr. is also she seemed like it. Testing date will be June 28th which is going to be a GREAT DAY, thats my sweet daycare kido Maycens 1st birthday and we will be at the zoo so I hope to be celebrating a BFP! and a 1St birthday! please pray for us, and keep us in your thoughts!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Woke up today feeling yucky!!! Runny nose, itchy throat, headache....I am hoping its allergies I do not have time for this! Well the good thing is today was day one of injections and all went well!!!! tonight another 100mg of Clomid!

Hope you all are having a great day!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Round 2!

Just thought I would update you all.....

Greg and I went back up to Clovis Thursday to discuss our next move and options. After yet another ultrasound we talked to the Dr. we found out that the Clomid was only giving us a 8% chance of getting pregnant, So we decided not to waste anymore money on that and move on I am now in 100Mg of Clomid along with injectables and a trigger shot. I am praying this round works! This whole process is very stressful and the dr. always say "Remember Keep the Stress level down" REALLY? How do you think I can do that? Well I am staying positive and thinking THIS WILL WORK! 

I know I was short and did not get much into what I was feeling about the last round but it was very hard on me! I was getting used to all the hormones and meds and it made my emotions and feelings like /\/\/\/\/\/\/ <- that lol! I feel bad for Greg who has to deal with me I know its not fun I live it! The night AF came I was crushed I felt like a failure I tried to keep my head up but I was devastated, after talking to Greg he told me not to feel like that because I am not a Failure! I am doing good now and I am staying positive just hoping and praying this time is our time! 

Looking forward to baby shoes!  

I will keep you all posted during this round of medications/injections I am hoping I am not crazy (as Greg says) this time!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dr. apt!

Back to Clovis in the am for another dr. apt, going to discuss options and move on to the next step! keep us in your thoughts and prayers please! I will keep you all updated!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Testing day.....

Well today was the day,but no need to test Aunt Flow came to visit me :(. After pulling myself together I had to tell Greg the bad news, he just held my hand and said it is ok. At first I felt like a failure but after a pep talk from my Aunt I have a new attitude..... I am not going to give up on my baby shoes dream! I pulled it together and called the dr. I have a apt for Thursday morning for yet another ultrasound they told me I could do another round of clomid or switch to stronger meds so I chose to bump it up and start clomid and injectables with iui. Praying this works!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Waiting....not so patiently

And it begins.....2 WEEK WAITING PERIOD! I am trying to keep busy but I can't get busy enough, Charity dinner tonight to benefit the spca and busy weekend but come one 2 WEEKS! I am trying to stay positive I really am but I have had 2 breakdowns its not good for me I know but its something my emotions and hormones are not helping me with!

Please Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers! Pray that this round works and we are blessed with our baby shoes! I will keep you all posted but I will probably not post the results right away Greg and I will celebrate as a couple or mourn as a couple I am hoping and praying its the celebrating!

2Weeks to go well 13 DAYS!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Injection done!

Well I am a big fat Chicken I thought I could do it on my own but sitting there holding the needle to my belly was not going to happen so my wonderful husband did it for me and it was not as bad as i thought it would be! Injection done on to the next step!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th is our lucky day!

Had my dr. apt today to check and see if the Clomid worked..........Well after being on pins and needles all day my ultrasound showed 1 mature follicle (egg) and 1 possible  so the total possibility of 2! I will take my injection sunday at 9:00pm and then timed intercourse. We have a pregnancy test on the 31st of May! We are so excited and following directions and precautions to the fullest! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that we get a BIG FAT POSITIVE!!



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Package of meds came today!

Last night was my last night of Clomid all 5 days went well for me. I took my last pill and headed to bed last night and I could not sleep at all I laid awake with tons of things running though my head like.... I really hope this works...What if it doesnt work...if it does work I will be a mommy....and so much more! I finally got to sleep about 1:30ish this am to be woken up at 3:30am to my house at like 80 degrees I thought I was just having a hot flash which is a side effect of the meds but nope Greg accidently turned on the heater and the house turned into a friggin oven! After I put a cold wash cloth on my neck I was able to go back to bed only to have my alarm go off at 6:00am needless to say today I am a bit tired, I could not even sneak in a nap because I had to wait for the Fed ex man to come and deliver my injection. The Fed Ex man showed up at about 2:30 with a huge box I was a bit confused....I am only getting one injection, I signed for the box and opened the box to find another box in that box was a biohazard box and alcohol wipes and a ice chest in the ice chest was the the box with the injection! It's here and now time to wait for the Dr. on friday.......I hope I can get some sleep between now and then. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day off = date for hubby and I

*Fast Five spoiler alert I do give something away*

Today was a rare occasion Greg had the day off and I did as well YAY so we decided to go to the movies and see fast five. I picked this movie for a bunch of different reasons: 1- No one will be talking about babies 2-no one will be pregnant 3- its a movie full of testosterone & hot men! Well I was wrong my emotions are jacked right now anyways and all the sudden what there is right there on the big screen: 1- ladies talking about babies 2- a pregnant woman I started to cry I kept it to myself as to not ruin the movie for Greg but to be honest I was about to walk out with taking the clomid I am very emotional and irritable! I found myself angry that here is this girl pregnant jumping off buildings, running from bullets and all that I was thinking how could anyone put a baby in danger! I knowi its just a movie but I could not help feel this way irrational maybe but it was what I was feeling! After I calmed myself down and watched the rest of the movie it ended up being my favorite fast in the furious movie and can't wait for number 6! 


Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 2 of Clomid!

Well last nights dose of clomid went well, I did not get sick yay! But I was nervous about getting sick so I drank way to much water before bed and was up going to the bathroom all night! Today I have had hot flashes and been a bit dizzy but other than that all is good next dose tonight! Please pray this works and we get one if not two sets of baby shoes!

Lots of Love, Carissa

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

tomorrow is the day!

Well tomorrow is the day 5/5/11, Tomorrow I start Clomid. Getting excited!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back from the dr.

So I had another ultrasound this morning showed no cysts so now I can start Clomid which I will start on Thurs. I will take that for 5 days then go back to the dr. on the 13th, on the 13th they will do yet another ultrasound to check and see if I have any mature follicles if i do then we know the Clomid did its job and then I will come home and give myself and injection (kinda scared about that one) after that we have 36 hour window that I will 99.9% ovulate so we all know what that means. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers that I have more than one Follicle that is mature 2 would be great. I will keep you all posted with how I am doing on the Clomid I have heard most women get the side effects but I am not going to complain a little bit of my own personal summer for some baby shoes would be awesome hahah!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Clovis in the am!

I called the Dr. this morning and looks like we will be headed to Clovis again in the morning, Another ultrasound yay me NOt but hey whatever gets us to the BABY SHOES! This apt. they should start me on Clomid I am already taking prenatal vitamins along with one baby aspirin, the baby aspirin it to make my uterus sticky so lets hope that works! I have already given up the caffeine which I thought was going to be super hard since I am a soda freak but looking at the good in giving it up I did going on 3 days no soda!

Well I got to get back to my daily grind I will post tomorrow after the Dr. apt please pray for good news for us and a sticky  uterus lol! Thanks to you all for the love and support!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1st is a BFN

So Looks like today means I will be starting clomid thanks to the BFN and AF!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Few pictures from our trip to Dc

Mount Vernon 

World War II memorial

 outside of the capitol 
The white house at night! 

Good News!

We had a dr. apt today to get back all the results from the tests we have been taking in the past few weeks, Everything came back good so we now have to wait till may 3rd to see if by any chance I am pregnant if I am not then we go back and start round one of Chlomid after one month of that we go back and if still not pregnant we up the dose and wait again if still not pregnant then we will move to a different process.....I am just thankful we have good news no more sleepless nights! maybe we will be lucky and have baby shoes in our house in a year or so! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers please keep them coming!

Also Just want to let you all know that we had a awesome time in Virgina/ Washington Dc lots of history and neat things to do and see! I will upload some pictures soon! <3


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I know its been a bit since I last posted but I have been Busy exploring Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Washington DC. I have gotten to see all kinds of interesting things.....On the Baby shoe front nothing new trying to keep a positive outlook for Mondays apt! I will keep you all posted!

-Until then from Washington Dc good night!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

X-ray √

So I had my x-ray today to see if my tubes are open and they are such good news! now the waiting game and lots of doing the Baby dance haha for those of you who know the book What to expect when you are expecting you know what the Baby Dance is, for those of you who do not let you minds wonder haha! 

Monday, April 11, 2011

More Dr. Apt!

Well today was yet another Dr. apt well a test, Greg has his SA test and I could not believe it was $120.00 for a hour drive and to fill our 4 pages of paperwork.........Oh well I was glad to do it, we made a day out of it. We got to visit our cousin Carolyn and ran into our Uncle Mike so we all went out for breakfast/lunch and then visited and came home. Tomorrow is my X-ray to see if my tubes are open so I had to go pick up my prescription and start that for the test tomorrow after that I think we are done until the 25th of this month!

Starting the 15th we are going on vacation to have a good time and not stress and worry about what the tests will say, and I have a feeling we are going to be so busy on our vacation we wont be worrying about the Dr. apt to come! I will post pics and fun stuff we get to do on our vacation we are getting to go tour the white house and other fun things!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hormonal I think so!

I have cried way to much today! seems I cry over everything right now!!!

Started this morning when one of my Daycare babies miss Maycen got here and she had to have shots and her finger pricked I felt so bad for her, I rocked her to sleep and then started to cry because I will be going on vacation for 10 days and I am going to miss her! I sobbed like a baby! later on this evening I was talking to my Aunt about memories and I lost it again happy tears and sad ones oh my!

     This picture is of Miss Maycen my 9 month old Daycare princess!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Addicted to baby shows!

I find myself constantly watching baby shows like Bringing baby home or A baby story..........I even looked at baby bedding and all that. I need to stop but I just cant!

 Next week more tests then vacation that should take my mind off everything Vacation!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am not alone!

I'm laying here in bed watching the new show on bravo pregnant in heels and the main character Rosie Pope is talking about ivf and how sad it makes her being around women that are pregnant, seeing that hit home that I am not alone there are tons of other women out there dealing with fertility issues! Seeing her give herself the injections kinda frightens me lol but those baby shoes will so be worth it!


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The start of our Journey to Baby shoes!

A friend of mine gave me the idea of blogging as a way of helping me through these some times challenging times in my life, and with that here I am! My husband and I decided a little while back that we were ready to start our family easy right....WRONG! I just assumed when you were ready you go off birth control and there you go baby! I mean everywhere I look I see young girls with babies women with babies, babies everywhere so how hard could it really be? Well turns out for us its not going to be so easy. I would be lying if I told you all it did not make me upset or frustrated that here I am married and ready for kids and not able to get pregnant while I see all these teenagers with kids and people who don't want kids pregnant, the fact is it makes me upset and depressed! 

So to begin our road to baby shoes today we had our first apt. with the fertility specialist LET THE TESTS BEGIN! Today I had what seemed like tons of blood drawn, and a ultrasound to look at my ovaries & Fimbriae i believe its called so far they say all good, Now the next items on the list are a xray, and my husbands SA (sperm analysis).

I am looking at the positive and hoping that there will be plenty of baby shoes in the future!