Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The start of our Journey to Baby shoes!

A friend of mine gave me the idea of blogging as a way of helping me through these some times challenging times in my life, and with that here I am! My husband and I decided a little while back that we were ready to start our family easy right....WRONG! I just assumed when you were ready you go off birth control and there you go baby! I mean everywhere I look I see young girls with babies women with babies, babies everywhere so how hard could it really be? Well turns out for us its not going to be so easy. I would be lying if I told you all it did not make me upset or frustrated that here I am married and ready for kids and not able to get pregnant while I see all these teenagers with kids and people who don't want kids pregnant, the fact is it makes me upset and depressed! 

So to begin our road to baby shoes today we had our first apt. with the fertility specialist LET THE TESTS BEGIN! Today I had what seemed like tons of blood drawn, and a ultrasound to look at my ovaries & Fimbriae i believe its called so far they say all good, Now the next items on the list are a xray, and my husbands SA (sperm analysis).

I am looking at the positive and hoping that there will be plenty of baby shoes in the future! 


  1. Love it! (The blog that is) Try not to get too obsessed. (I'm sure you've heard this before.) But stay relaxed and it will happen. We ran into a bit of trouble too in the beginning...had a ruptured ectopic with many days in the hosptial and lots of blood transfussions. So you're not alone! Yes, babies everywhere, but it's not all that easy. Have you seen what that darn egg has to do to get fertilized?! Now that's a trip! In the end we were then able to create two beautiful (yes, I'm biased) girls. I just know you will have your family sooner than you think. :) Looking forward to keeping up with you.

  2. Your girls are beautiful! Thanks for reading!

  3. Carissa I had no idea u and Greg were trying. I'm sorry its been hard, but lemme tell u I know exactly how u r feeling. Tristen and I were married for almost 3 years when we started trying and every month or every negative test just made me see how maybe I would never be able to be a mom. I was completely healthy and so was tristen so why wasn't I getting pregnant??? It was sooo hard to accept that the thing I wanted most I may never get to have! It was very trying on mine and tristens relationship and marriage, it got to the point that I wanted to leave, I was trying to find a way out! No matter what anyone said it never made me feel any better, it actually made me mad, I felt like they couldn't understand how I felt or what I was going through. But low and behold 15 months later I'm pregnant, we still don't know why it took so long. But try not to make sex feel like a chore just relax your body will let it happen when its ready :) if u ever need anything or wanna talk or vent I'm always here for u I love u girl!

  4. I can feel your pain I get so mad when Athena's mom keeps getting pregnant and I can't yet due to my health and other issues that make it so Scott and I can't start trying yet. You and Greg are so awesome you both I know will get through this and a little baby will be here soon for you both:)your blog is a inspiration I love it!

  5. Thanks so much Karyna and Tiffany your support means alot to both Greg and I! thanks for following this journey to baby shoes with us! MUAH XOXO!
