Friday, June 10, 2011


Just got home from the dr. AND..... I have tons of good follicles 3 really good ones and about 6 more ok ones!! They decided to have me do 2 more days of injections and then the trigger injection sunday night, with timed Baby dance! lol Things are looking good for us.......I will be spending my two week waiting period in Utah so I will be super busy and wont be sitting here dwelling on it!!! I am feeling super positive with so many good follicles I think the dr. is also she seemed like it. Testing date will be June 28th which is going to be a GREAT DAY, thats my sweet daycare kido Maycens 1st birthday and we will be at the zoo so I hope to be celebrating a BFP! and a 1St birthday! please pray for us, and keep us in your thoughts!

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