Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day off = date for hubby and I

*Fast Five spoiler alert I do give something away*

Today was a rare occasion Greg had the day off and I did as well YAY so we decided to go to the movies and see fast five. I picked this movie for a bunch of different reasons: 1- No one will be talking about babies 2-no one will be pregnant 3- its a movie full of testosterone & hot men! Well I was wrong my emotions are jacked right now anyways and all the sudden what there is right there on the big screen: 1- ladies talking about babies 2- a pregnant woman I started to cry I kept it to myself as to not ruin the movie for Greg but to be honest I was about to walk out with taking the clomid I am very emotional and irritable! I found myself angry that here is this girl pregnant jumping off buildings, running from bullets and all that I was thinking how could anyone put a baby in danger! I knowi its just a movie but I could not help feel this way irrational maybe but it was what I was feeling! After I calmed myself down and watched the rest of the movie it ended up being my favorite fast in the furious movie and can't wait for number 6! 


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