Friday, February 7, 2014

A Bump in the road

I first have to start by saying how thankful I am to be in such an amazing Doctors care. As I type this update we are about 20 days from starting IVF so exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time. Today our Fertility specialist called with results and information for us, all my testing has come back and there was one result he is concerned with but nothing that will cancel our IVF or stop us from becoming parents. We will be delayed in our transfer as we need to go over some items with our dr. better safe than sorry. I am so thankful for the amazing care we are receiving. I feel now knowing what we do that all our failed attempts were for a good reason. Nature said No and science is saying YES! I was reminded today about a story that went around on social media it was about a person complaining to God why did you let me sleep in? and other whys? God answered and said I let you sleep in because if you would have been on time you would have been in a bad car accident. point being I feel all our failed attempts were to put us where we are now and I am so grateful!

20 days till IVF begins!!! I will keep you all updated cant wait!


Please continue to send positive thoughts and prayers they are greatly appreciated!

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