Friday, August 9, 2013

Two weeks is over...

Well it's been 17 days since my dreaded two week wait has been over..... And I hate to inform you all that we got a big fat negative! Ugh I felt like a failure lucky for me I have an amazing man who stood beside me and told me all is ok we will try and try again.

Lovely Mother Nature arrived and I called to start round two iui and was sad to hear we needed to skip this cycle due to the fact my right side would be the side to ovulate and my right side is damaged.  Waiting for a month is the worst.

We will be starting round 2 iui in September and until then we are going on a mini vacation and enjoying each other with out the stress and worry.

Please continue to pray for us and that we get our baby shoes!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carissa! You have been such an encouragement to me. So I nominated you for a Sunshine Award on my blog. You can go here to check it out:
    PS. we need an update on here! LOL :)
