Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yet again I write this post with a heart ache!

Well as you all know today was my testing day have never made it to this point yet in the 3 months of treatment so we were super excited!!! I hardly slept waiting for this am to come I woke up at 4:00am and tested BIG FAT NEGATIVE! So disappointing I just sat there squinting hoping there would be a faint line but nothing, nothing at all! I then cried and went back to lay down Greg came home from work and I shared the news with him. Here we sit and wait for Aunt Flow to come and start round 4! If by some kind of amazing thing Aunt flow does not show up in a few days i will test again.

To help Greg and I with dealing with another disappointment we took a road trip to three rivers and had Lunch over looking the river, So nice to spend time with my amazing and supportive husband!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we morn this and move on, Please pray that round 4 is our time for our baby shoes! I will update with dr. apt and our next move!

1 comment:


    This posting helped me during a disappointing time, only God knows when the time will be right. Hang in there and have faith...
