Friday, July 29, 2011

On Hold!

With much discussion and thought Greg and I have decided to take a break from fertility treatments this month, we have mad this decision for a bunch of reasons. While taking this break we will be saving up money to move to IUI hoping that will do the trick if it does not happen naturally for us while we are breaking from treatment. I feel that my body needs a break and the stress is not good for me or our marriage.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you,

I will continue to post on decisions and progress!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yet again I write this post with a heart ache!

Well as you all know today was my testing day have never made it to this point yet in the 3 months of treatment so we were super excited!!! I hardly slept waiting for this am to come I woke up at 4:00am and tested BIG FAT NEGATIVE! So disappointing I just sat there squinting hoping there would be a faint line but nothing, nothing at all! I then cried and went back to lay down Greg came home from work and I shared the news with him. Here we sit and wait for Aunt Flow to come and start round 4! If by some kind of amazing thing Aunt flow does not show up in a few days i will test again.

To help Greg and I with dealing with another disappointment we took a road trip to three rivers and had Lunch over looking the river, So nice to spend time with my amazing and supportive husband!

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we morn this and move on, Please pray that round 4 is our time for our baby shoes! I will update with dr. apt and our next move!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tomorrow tomorrow!


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Come on baby shoes.....!

So I have been on my lovely 2 week waiting period for a few days now and have pretty much been keeping my mind off of it all but at the same time keeping positive!  HARD but possible! I have been on the progesterone and that is so not fun hoping this works and i can be off that.......Can't wait to test and praying its positive!


Friday, July 8, 2011


Tonight Greg had to give me my HCG shot or trigger shot and oh my gosh the needle was huge way bigger than last time I feel so bad for my husband who has to be the one to give me these injections he almost couldn't do it tonight because the needle scared him! Well its done now and on to the next part we will find out soon!


The Blue needle is from this time and the other are from the last 2 times see the size difference?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dr. apt update!

Today my husband and I made the trip back to Clovis for another dr. apt/ ultrasound, I had a different ultrasound tech a male and he was so painful I was about to tell him I was done get me a new tech! He did not tell me how many follicles were mature or anything I know at least 3 but I saw a bunch more so we shall see they gave me another shot to help them grow for another day and tomorrow I take my trigger injection in my hip :( that is the one that hurts! after that we BD and then wait....I am not going to be telling my test date this time because I am also taking progestrone and am really positive so we shall see I will update soon!

Please keep us in your prayers and thoughts!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update on the baby shoe front!

Well we had a great 4th of July hope you all did also! I finished my 100mg of clomid and am currently on the injectables so Greg every morning gives me my shot in the belly as soon as he gets home LUCKY him!......They have not been bad this time good news for me is I am no longer terrified of needles, we go back to the Dr. on Thursday and are praying for good news!!!!

One thing about our bout with infertility is it sure is bringing Greg and I closer, even though sometimes my hormones make me crazy he deals with me!