Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Count down time!

Our Dr. Appointment went great Saturday all my blood work came back great and I am to continue the injections twice a week on Monday nights and Friday nights. I will be going back to see Dr. K Friday morning and from there they will do another blood draw and possibly add in our last injections and Lord willing I will be on that injection till I am 10.5 weeks along I never ever though I would be praying to be on injections! We will find out Friday time and date of Transfer and we will be keeping that a secret because from transfer we will have a two week wait to see if our first attempt at IVF worked or not. I will update for the last time this weekend and share as much as I can but then will not have another update until we decide to share our results!

We ask you to keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming our way as we are nervous and excited about what is to come!!!

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