Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Update and New Beginings for 2014!

Hello all so sorry I am such a bad blogger I always plan to update then other things happen and I forget! I promise 2014 will be different!

Anyways let me update you on the journey we have traveled this far. After a BFN (Big Fat Negative) from our 2nd IUI we went on to do a 3rd IUI Dr. said everything looked amazing. Greg and I had talked before hand and agreed that if this 3rd IUI did not work we were going to move on to IVF however we remained positive our 3rd iui would be it! As we started our TWW we both acted as if the IUI had worked and remained super positive. Our Two week wait ended December 27th with a BFN and dang AF came the following day. I had to call the Dr. and fill them in on the negative test and that AF has showed they didn't seem to care and when I asked to talk to someone about IVF they informed me that the next one would be in March, this meaning that they would be strictly working off their schedule and not my cycle I did not get a good feeling from them about the IVF. After talking to Greg about it we agreed to seek a second opinion.

After talking to friends who are currently seeking infertility treatments and those that have been though this before we settled on a Dr. in Thousand Oaks California. I have learned so much through this journey this time I was not going in not knowing anything or unprepared I had 3 pages of question and notes and also had looked up his success rates and other important information, I was able to get us an appointment early in January which was amazing I was informed that our consult appointment would last at least an hour and a half with the dr. getting to know him and going over all options and medical history I was already blown away as our last dr. we saw I think 3 times or so in 3 years. We arrived to our apt with nerves and excitement we were welcomed Dr. Kumar and taken to his office to go over everything. Our appointment was at 11:00 and we left about 2:00pm all our questions were gone over he has power points to show each step in the process went over my medical history and preformed a ultrasound to check on me himself and lastly Greg and I both had blood taken for labs. By the next day I had a phone call from the nurse telling me I was not immune to MMR ( measles, mumps and rubella) and that I would need a booster before proceeding with treatments. Easier said then done getting the MMR was no easy task but I in the end I got the shot and in 30 days we are able to proceed with IVF!

We had a nurse appointment this last week which went over cost and what insurance cover, meds, schedule and all that fun stuff as it looks now we will be starting IVF end of February retrieval will be in march and then transfer will be in April! I plan to keep you all updated on each step as we go.

Current status is we are waiting on AF and then from then we have 1 month till we start our protocol for IVF! next month we plan to take a mini trip before all the dr. appointments and other things begin!    

Thank you so much for all the love and support!
