I know its been awhile since I have blogged and updated, I figured today the last day of 2014 would be a good day to look back and update you all on what has been going on.
As many of you know my last post I shared with you all that our first attempt at IVF was unsuccessful. After our April transfer we jumped back on the IVF train ( well we never really got off) and started up the process to give it another go! We met with our Dr. and talked about why and what could be causing this not to work, we ran some blood tests and proceeded with a second transfer 6/13/14 this had to be it I thought because June 13th is our wedding anniversary what an amazing gift that would be right!! well we spent our 5th wedding anniversary at the Dr. then on bed rest in the hotel... our two week wait or 9 days seemed to take forever and then it was time to get the blood test. We got the call and again another unsuccessful transfer I was crushed and left questioning why!!! Greg was crushed and we both didn't know how we would move on, the Dr. called and we was upset for us which made me aware that he was just as invested in this as we were. Dr. K is amazing the hugs and personal care he has given to us is beyond words! Dr. K requested that we come down and meet with him to talk about the last cycle and to see what was next for us.
We met with D. K and we discussed the 3 things that could be causing these perfect embryos not to attach, #1 was a genetic issue which we could gladly rule out as we had each embryo tested for genetic issues that would cause them not to implant or miscarriage in the event they did attach. #2 was a blood clotting disorder which again we did tests and that came back fine no blood clot issue here. #3 was a uterus issue humm... could this be it? Well we did another test and ultrasound to find it looked fine however Dr. K said it could be my lining and that there is a pocket of fluid or something that is so tiny we cant see, so he put me on meds for 3 months a drug that would slow my body down instead of speeding it up like we had been doing the goal was to build my lining thick and sticky! After the 3 months of meds I was so thrilled to be done however loved not having a monthly cycle and was ready to move to the next step at my appointment Dr. K started me on my injections and we moved right along. Greg and I made the choice to transfer 2 embryos 1 female and 1 male ( we also did this in transfer 2) our transfer was set for September 17th 2014! This transfer we did things much different, I didn't go crazy doing all the things said to help like drink pomegranate juice, eat pineapple core core 5 days, eat brazil nuts, only have whole milk and so on. This time I put my trust in God that it would work or it wouldn't and either way it was ok because I was strong! Normally after transfer we would stay in a hotel this time we drove the 3 in a half hours home and I was able to relax in my own home! the two week wait or in my case 10 days was fine this time I think that had a lot to do with my mind set going in. about day 7 into our two week wait I had some spotting and I cried because I thought this is it another failed round. That night we went to target and I could hardly go in I was so nauseated I started gaging in the store! I grabbed a test and told Greg I would still not test until Friday day 10! When we were leaving target I told Greg "wow someone just washed their car!" he was like what on earth!!! How would you know that? I could smell the soap from the wash haha. the next morning I woke up and caved I took the test I sat on the toilet and took a deep breath and waited only I didn't have to wait!!!! IT WAS POSITIVE!!! Those two lines showed right away I cried and thanked GOD for allowing me to be pregnant!!
The worst thing was Greg was asleep and I couldn't wake him, I knew that if I did he would not go back to sleep.. So I instead made a sign that said "I AM GOING TO GET FAT! ARE YOU? I put a picture of a baby bottle and said Congratulations Daddy We are PREGNANT!! and then taped the test to the paper! I then taped the sign to the shower door because as soon as Greg wakes up he takes a shower.
Finally I heard his door open I was laying on my bed with my phone and the dogs as I watched him walk in say hi and then go to the shower he lifted his towel and BAM there was the sign! I swear he starred at it FOREVER!!! we were both so excited and couldn't believe it! Now was the fun part how to tell everyone!
We planned it all out and told our families all in a different fun way! We facetimed Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Todd and Wyatt (Wyatt said we had to name the baby wyatt also!) We woke John and Susan up at 5:00am with bibs, We surprised Doug while taking a Picture we said on the count of 3 say Dougs going to be a uncle! We called my Dad and Susan, We gave apple seeds to My Mom and dad and rest of the family. And Finally we Announced on Facebook with pictures we took at the Avila barn and beach! Never in my life did I think I was going to be able to do this all and it was finally coming true!
I am currently 17 weeks and 4 days pregnant! We have had a few scared one BIG one the Tuesday before Thanksgiving I spent the day making pie and that night went to deliver them to a friend when I stood up I was gushing blood, One of the scariest moments of my life I thought for sure I was loosing the baby after a trip to the ER and a follow up with the OBGYN all is good and baby and I am fine!
This Christmas we had the Joy of finding out that Baby Blacksill is a GIRL! Addison Blacksill is due June 5th 2015!!!
I will try to keep you all updated as you all have followed Greg and I during our journey to Baby shoes and that means the world to us to have your love and support!
Happy NEW years!
The Blacksills!