After my Hsg/MRI I was set to go to the Dr. for the results on 6/613 which would have been today however the Dr. called me Tuesday and wanted me in the office that afternoon since I had prior plans I had to schedule for yesterday at 2:30pm which left a whole day of what ifs and wondering why they were calling me in... another worry for me was I normally see the nurse practitioner no one see the dr. unless they have a complicated case. So yesterday Greg and I went to the Dr. after waiting what seemed like forever and I mean FOREVER! The dr. came in and explained that all my tests showed some kind of abnormality in my uterus which was big news to us, he explained in the HSG it showed only half a uterus but since I had had one prior which showed a whole he was not that concerned since half a uterus does not just get up and walk away LOL. Next we went over the MRI and he said that showed a whole uterus but again abnormal he said it tilts to the left which can cause that abnormality if it being larger on one side and not the other. After going over all that he gave us options 1. being surgery full open me up invasive surgery to look at my uterus and see what is going on. 2. just act as its a normal uterus that is tilted and proceed or 3. forget it all and go with IVF. after drilling the dr. about the surgery we decided nothing would be accomplished from that so 1 was out the window, 3 is our last option so we decided to go with 2 and proceed with iui treatment. so after all that worry we have decided to go with our previous plans....
We will be starting injections and the iui process very soon I will keep you updated till then but after a certain point I will have to leave you all hanging for a bit if this works which we are hoping and praying I still do not want to tell anyone till my safe 6 weeks and 3 day mark at least. and if this does not I might need a few days to pick myself up and carry on.
Prayers and thoughts are greatly appreciated!
I do understand most of you have no idea what its like to go through this and please be understanding I will and am a bit sensitive to baby talk and such especially on the meds I will have hot flashes and mood swings and I apologize now :) it will all be worth it when I am holing my baby or babies!
Thank you all for the support and can't wait to see what God has in store for us through this journey!