Friday, August 9, 2013

Two weeks is over...

Well it's been 17 days since my dreaded two week wait has been over..... And I hate to inform you all that we got a big fat negative! Ugh I felt like a failure lucky for me I have an amazing man who stood beside me and told me all is ok we will try and try again.

Lovely Mother Nature arrived and I called to start round two iui and was sad to hear we needed to skip this cycle due to the fact my right side would be the side to ovulate and my right side is damaged.  Waiting for a month is the worst.

We will be starting round 2 iui in September and until then we are going on a mini vacation and enjoying each other with out the stress and worry.

Please continue to pray for us and that we get our baby shoes!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Round #1 IUI

I went back to the Dr. on the 8th and had an ultrasound to see how big and how many follicles I had....I ended up having 2 good size ones on the left side which is my good side and 1-2 on my right side. They had me do one more shot of the follistim 75iu and then had me trigger with the noveral that night at 10:30pm I was a little freaked out since my husband is at work by then to who could give me my shot it is a 2 1/2 inch needle and all of it must go into the muscle :/ I was so blessed to have my friend Nikkie who loves that stuff give it to me what a LIFE SAVER!!! She is amazing and didn't even feel a thing till the next day!! We were set for the 10th at 8:15am for drop off and 10:30am for the iui...... We dropped off and came back and I was so nervous but all went well Dr. said we had good mobility and the whole process took 5 min maybe lol then I laid on my left side for about 15min and was able to go home! Now I am in my waiting period to know if this will be our month!!

Please understand we will know if this took or not earlier than most women know they are even pregnant due to knowing so soon we will not update this blog or post on social media till we are in the safe zone!! If this does not work we will also not be posting right away we will need time to dry the tears and prepare for round #2!! If I get my BFP it will be so hard not to tell you all.

until then please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and the waiting game is the worst!!!

Love you all and thank you for the support!!!

*praying for babyshoes**!!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Round 1 IUI Update... sorry its late!

Since my last update we started treatment for IUI I started 75iu injections of follistim every morning for 7 days then went in for another ultrasound to check for mature follicles.... We were feeling super positive and hopeful more so than any other round we have done up to that point, my ultrasound apt was June 14th which was the day after our 4 year wedding anniversary what a gift we thought that would be! Well my mother in law got to come with me to my apt since Greg works third shift so what was nice it was a packed waiting room which is never a problem when I go. After waiting for an hour it was our turn to go back women look at you with such sympathy when the DR. comes and calls you personally and then asks you how your doing and rubs your back and says kind things I am sure the other ladies were thinking what the heck is wrong with her!! anyways we go back and start the oh so fun ultrasound NOT! and Dr. says well the right side has 2 good mature follicles ready and then lets look at the left he says "hummm..." ok not good and then tells me left side has none zip nada nothing! my heat sank because my mother in law and I were telling each other we were in the good news line. And being that no one knows whats wrong with my right side we talked and he told me we were done for that cycle and to call with the start of my next cycle UGH!!! so we came home I told Greg and we waited!!

Good old Mother Nature sent my cycle and so I called the Dr. and made my apt. which was this last Monday the 1st now normally when I go its ultra sound and then they tell you ok lets order meds and give me my plan of action.... This time I had the ultrasound and started treatment right then!!! and they doubled my dosage with the goal of having good follicles on the left and the right :) tomorrow is my last day at the double dose and then will go back to the 75iu for a few more days and back to the Dr. on the 8th!!! Please say a prayer for us that this round will be the round to give us those baby shoes!!

I will post again on the 8th everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

MRI/HSG reults update

After my Hsg/MRI I was set to go to the Dr. for the results on 6/613 which would have been today however the Dr. called me Tuesday and wanted me in the office that afternoon since I had prior plans I had to schedule for yesterday at 2:30pm which left a whole day of what ifs and wondering why they were calling me in... another worry for me was I normally see the nurse practitioner no one see the dr. unless they have a complicated case. So yesterday Greg and I went to the Dr. after waiting what seemed like forever and I mean FOREVER! The dr. came in and explained that all my tests showed some kind of abnormality in my uterus which was big news to us, he explained in the HSG it showed only half a uterus but since I had had one prior which showed a whole he was not that concerned since half a uterus does not just get up and walk away LOL. Next we went over the MRI and he said that showed a whole uterus but again abnormal he said it tilts to the left which can cause that abnormality if it being larger on one side and not the other. After going over all that he gave us options 1. being surgery full open me up invasive surgery to look at my uterus and see what is going on. 2. just act as its a normal uterus that is tilted and proceed or 3. forget it all and go with IVF. after drilling the dr. about the surgery we decided nothing would be accomplished from that so 1 was out the window, 3 is our last option so we decided to go with 2 and proceed with iui treatment. so after all that worry we have decided to go with our previous plans....

We will be starting injections and the iui process very soon I will keep you updated till then but after a certain point I will have to leave you all hanging for a bit if this works which we are hoping and praying I still do not want to tell anyone till my safe 6 weeks and 3 day mark at least. and if this does not I might need a few days to pick myself up and carry on.

Prayers and thoughts are greatly appreciated!

 I do understand most of you have no idea what its like to go through this and please be understanding I will and am a bit sensitive to baby talk and such especially on the meds I will have hot flashes and mood swings and I apologize now :) it will all be worth it when I am holing my baby or babies!

Thank you all for the support and can't wait to see what God has in store for us through this journey!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Open closed open!!!

Well since I now have internet back its been since my last post that we had been without!

After the HSG that we were told my tubes were closed we had a follow up with the Dr. and she told us she believed the test was wrong and that she just had a gut feeling that my tubes were open. We had a few options we could go with that HSG and start IVF, or we could have another HSG and see if they were open or closed and go from there. After going over all the details of IVF and talking we decided to go ahead with another HSG to see if in fact my tubes were open.... I went back and had the test done over and found that my left tube was open and he believes that my right is also but wants further testing to be sure!!! I will be going tomorrow to have a MRI on my pelvis and hope we can see for sure then. While we are waiting on tests Greg and I were able to meet with a wonderful woman who has shared her journey with adoption and has really opened our hearts to that. I was also able to go to Atlanta for a It works Boot Camp to take my mind off of everything and that was amazing now that I am home and have my internet get ready to take this ride with me!!! will share more tomorrow after my test!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Its been awhile time for update!

I know its been awhile since I have posted so let me give you an update and where we are as of today: We decided to take a break from Dr. and try on our own with no stress of having apts and other demands, while we were away we built our own home which is amazing lots of room for those one day baby shoes, Greg still holds his job and I have started working as a It Works distributor and love that I feel better than ever I truly feel God opened that door for me financially and personally. I have met some amazing women and men through my job which has truly been such a blessing for me. On top of the new job and New house I was able to purchase a new car or crossover. With all these changes and where we are in life we decided it was time to head back to the Dr. and try to build our family!

I called the Dr. and set a apt had blood drawn and a ultrasound to make sure I had no ovarian cysts, since it has been almost 2 years they wanted me to have another x-ray with contrast to see if my tubes were open since during our time out I had to have an emergency appendectomy and that can cause things to change. Well I went to day for that and was shocked to hear that indeed my tubes are now closed, that was heartbreaking to hear while laying there I started to cry. All I could think about was I am broken and because of me my amazing husband might not get to be a daddy or me a mommy. Once I gathered myself I was told there is surgery and other options to discuss with my Dr. and not to worry now days medicine is so advanced. I walked to the waiting room holding my tears and and got Greg and headed to the car all I remember telling him was I am so sorry im broken! As we got home he hugged me and told me we would make it through this and we will be amazing parents to a child no matter if it was our bioligical child or adopted.

I am truly blessed with an amazing man who is my rock and is there to pick me up when I am down!

I will head back to the Dr. the 29th and we will see what is next. please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and we deal with all this its not easy and we are trying to stay positive!

*sorry if this is not in 100% perfect grammer or spellings I just type as I think I use this as a venting letting it out and its not something I am asking to be graded on I just want to share my feelings and what we are going though.*